The article goes on to describe how as a result of possibly bigger cargo ships passing through the widening Panama Canal, the city of Miami is widening it's shipping channel through dredging. The dredging or widening of the canal will cost the city around $210 million and result in the death of many sea algae, coral and marine life that feed of the coral and algae. The very reef that the city of Miami is ruining has served as a habitat for diverse marine life, a natural buffer against rising seas and a $6 billion economic engine. Just based on the money value as presented, it doesn't make since to spend $210 million to destroy something that is worth $6 billion as is. However, the city of Miami States that the new enlarged shipping channel will result in 30,000 new jobs and make Miami the first post-panamax port South of Virginia. To make the situation all the more nonsensical, there is a great possibility that big cargo ships they're preparing to recieve will not even use their port. The ships could easily the bypass the Miami port due to the less profitable cost of having to ship the goods over land instead of over water. Its a very bad gamble what they are doing to the corral reef that will most likely not turn out in their favor in the end. However, they continue to dredge along, excitingly awaiting it's completion and possible revenue. It appears that potential for revenue outweighs the damage to the corral reef and the possibility of losing marine life. The Corp along with various organizations have begun to relocate parts of the coral reef so as to preserve them but with little success. The reefs are either just not taking to their new relocated area or they are covered in sediments as a result of the nearby dredging and are suffocating to death. It is a very sad situation that even after being shown all the consequences of their actions, that they continue to pursue it. Scientists know that it is almost impossible to halt dredging activities like the one in Miami or underwater oil drilling that help to build America's economy but only hope to recieve more time to be able to save more marine life from the mankind's economic construction. I feel that If we are willing to sacrifice the corral reef on a possibility of future economic growth, we can then sacrifice the immediate implementation of said plans in order to allow for scientists to find a way to save as much of the habitat and it's inhabitant's as possible.
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