Friday, January 30, 2015

Marine Ecosystem vs. Trashed Ocean

I recently read an article about the environmental problem of trash and plastic that is beginning to become a hazard for the Marine life as well as for us humans. The amount of trash that is accumulating in our oceans is beginning to match the amount of fish. Scientists in the article claim that the amount of plastic in the water is beginning to warm the temperature of our oceans. Solutions are presented in the article such as reusing raw materials in order to make new reusable goods. The only problem is that the hassle to recycle for people and the cost is more than many countries or people are willing to commit to. So scientists are working together in order to find a better way to recycle them for a cheaper amount. They also propose the issue of our trash being harmful to the Marine ecosystem and how our oceans water should be valuable and precious to us than the oil we sometimes spill in it. I was impressed and surprised by this article not for the issue but because I had no idea the issue of liter and our ocean sea life was getting to a devastating point. It's almost impossible to think that there will be almost as much trash in the ocean, if we continue on this path, as there are fish in the oceans. I used to work at Petsmart and I do remember the importance of keeping the water clean and how pertinent and constant the temperature needed to be in order to keep fish alive. If all the trash were dumping or losing in the ocean is causing the temperature to go up, then we will begin to see dead Sea life in our future. I think it would be a great cause to pull our resources together to figure out this littering problem that is causing a marine ecosystem problem. We are all part of nature, part of an ever running ecosystem and if we mess that up, there's no telling what the consequences could be.

I found this article on the website "the Guardian" under the environmental tab of the Web page. On the same Web page that I found this article, I also saw many other articles that had to deal with the environmental issues that are plaguing our world today. The article was written by Jo Confino, and sponsored by Grundfos ,a company that sales water purification devices and studies our plants water supply.

The very first thing I noticed once I clicked the article was the plastic bag in the ocean with fish. This made a pretty good argument for a saying I remember from elementary school that says "one of these things just doesn't belong here." And to me it's pretty evident what thing is and that it has become an issue that needs to be solved. There was also advertisements for the joining up with groups to save the earth and signing in as member of the Guardian website. There were even links to other pressing stories The Guardian felt were pertinent to readers. It was a great read and would highly recommend those who are worried about our planet and demand that those not that so worried to read this article and become aware of a real problem in our world that needs to be addressed sooner because there might not be a later.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Instagram Account

Here is my Instagram account where I posted the photos for my Place Narrative and Photo Essay.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

About Me....

Hi, my name is Alexander Key but my friends call me Alex, I am a senior at Texas Christian University studying to get my bachelor's degree in Spanish and Education. I am 24 years old and live a decent house with my twin brother Spencer, who looks nothing like me and my older brother Joseph. I am currently working 3 jobs on top of being a full time student. I work as a high school wrestling referee, an ESL tutor for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students at an elementary school in my city and I work as a party host supervisor at Main Event Entertainment. I do the best I can to balance all 3 jobs, classes, school work while trying to maintain a decent Social life and relationship with an amazing young woman. I'm pretty Social and love to meet new people, I smile a lot which can sometimes creep people out and I'm a very happy optimistic individual. I enjoy finding the best in all situations and believe that life is going to be hard enough on us that there is no need for me to add to it or go looking for it.